If to look on news the site
was not updated almost five months. Actually the Russian version
of a site was updated regularly. New articles and photo albums
were published.
The English version remained constant as the software for photo
albums did not support the English language. And this problem
is successfully solved. I bring to your attention at once seventeen
(17!!!) new photo albums.
In them contains almost five hundred (500!!!) photos.
In new photo albums you can look not only photos of a small
format (500 x 375), but also in popular formats of wallpapers
(800 x 600 and 1024 x 768). Some photos are made as panoramic
pictures. Look and take
Recently I have bought digital
camera Canon
PowerShort G3. 4 million pixels, 4x Optical Zoom, 4 hours
of Battery life, etc.
This camera is enough combined. I need to study its long enough
time. But I already could make some photoes.